Claudia Restrepo



If you are buying or selling a home in the Spokane area, you have come to the right place. As one of the Spokane area's top selling real estate agents, you will have the knowledge and skills of an experienced and dedicated professional working for you. My team, the Legacy Group Group, was one of Spokane's Top Ten real estate groups in 2006, and 2007 . In addition to a full commitment from me, you will also benefit from the combined efforts of our team of eight full-time real estate professionals, along with our friendly and helpful staff.

We utilize the latest technologies, market research and business strategies to meet your expectations. However, more importantly, I listen and that means I find solutions that are tailored to you. If you would like to have more information about my team, please go to

I thank you for taking the time to visit my website and give you my personal guarantee that as your realtor I will work very hard to meet or exceed your all your expectations. I look forward to assisting you in all the all the aspects of selling your home, or in finding the home, acreage, or investment property you are looking for.

Click on one of my services to learn more about what I have to offer you.